Well, lots of them, but most importantly because...

Why Niche Consulting?
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.
To create your dream life, own a healthy body, have long lasting healthy relationships or having a fulfilling career starts with scanning self, finding what’s blocking you, release limiting beliefs and fill the gaps to achieve the success.
People from all walks of life have found solutions with NICHE CONSULTING to transform and achieve their goals.
Businesses partner with NICHE CONSULTING for business transformation through enhancing business performance, talent development, conflict management, training people, personal and team coaching and have realized a positive impact on business results.
Start today with Nishi Shetty
About Niche Consulting
Who is the Founder?
Nishi Shetty, the founder, has spent her majority of her career life in the U.A.E. She has Masters in Business Management, specializing in Human Resources. She has more than 2 decades of experience in Human Resources and People Development with Multinational Companies.
She has delivered results in the area of
● Business Consulting
● Behavioural skills training
● Public workshops On Money Mindset, Journey to success, Life Breakthrough, Global Student empowerment program and NLP
● Coaching professionals in organisations as well as individuals. Her expertise is in Leadership Coaching and Relationship Coaching
She specializes in transformational change in people from all walks of life through her expertise. She provides customized solutions for business challenges related to people and also conducts public workshops and individual coaching.
Her Story
It was 7th July 2007 when her life turned upside down with a near fatal road traffic accident. One month in ICU and 4 months in bed with 7 fractures and big damage to her brain, intestine spine and many parts of the body encouraged her to develop her strength and heal herself through her knowledge beat all odds. When she learnt that her brain was contracted to 50% of its original size, she decided to prove that she is unstoppable.
It was then that she started to get certifications through which she learnt what stops us and what moves us further. She started to apply these learning on herself and created programs for running for staff in the companies she worked with. She is always hungry for learning and share her knowledge with others. The hunger of sharing knowledge and making a difference started growing when she decided to quit her corporate life and join the movement of many who had already started to change the world positively.
What are her certifications?
Nishi Shetty has attained many certifications along with her rich experience during her career journey of 2 decades.
- She is a certified ICF Coach and has done coaching for more than 200 hours to hundreds of clients
- Becoming a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy changed her life and she uses the techniques extensively in coaching and workshops.
- MBTI (Myers & Briggs Type Indicator) and DISC are tools on personality type that she has used in her workshops ‘Know yourself, know your personality’ on more than 600 people in organisations, schools and public programs.
- Her curiosity for knowledge and insight into the human mind made her learn the Emotional Intelligence tool EQ2.0i and uses it for Talent development.
- She also has extensive training in Hay 360 feedback tool for self-awareness and leadership development.
- She has used Psychometric tests extensively for Career Counselling, recruitment, self-awareness and people development. The tools SH & Saville wave provide a great report that is well communicated to the people to understand themselves better in context of their work life.
- She is also a spiritual healer and certified in Pranic Healing to the level of Psychotherapy.
Nishi Shetty has shared her expertise at many places including :
The Ambassador School
Al Naboodah Group
Saint-Gobain, UAE
Dubai Police Head Quarters
Empowering Minds, India
Sri Balaji University, India
Human Resources Summit
Satya News Channel
Empowerment Talks
PSCM Global
Dubai Impact Group
Saint-Gobain Weber
Saint-Gobain Abrasifs
Saint-Gobain GlassOur Vision
Grow your nicheOur Mission
Impacting 500,000 individuals to develop their strengths for a successful journey of lifeOur Values
N – Nurturing – Emotional care
I – Inspire – Creative & Exciting solutions
C – Congruence – Walking the talk
H – Humour – Bringing Joy & contentment
E – Expansiveness – Growth into all directions